Reshape Your Life

Metabolic Mastery: A Guide to the Cyclical Ketogenic Diet

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The most common mistake people make when incorporating a ketogenic (or “keto”) approach to diet is eating too much dietary fat and not enough protein.

The standard clinical ketogenic diet was developed to control seziures in epileptic patients for whom strict fasting was not practical. In these cases, a very high percentage of dietary fat is useful to avoid any possibility of glycolytic (sugar burning) activity due to the conversion of protein into glucose via gluconeogenesis.

The ketogenic diet “works” for fat loss because glucose (carbohydrate) is an energy source for the body and when it is limited the body has no choice but to switch over to burning fat as energy, which is the very purpose for which it was stored as bodyfat in the first place. The problem is that dietary fat is also an energy source for the body and if dietary fat consumption is too high the body will not be forced to metabolize bodyfat.

The next mistake I see people make is thinking keto (or any dietary approach for that matter) is an all-or-nothing proposition. I was fortunate to have discovered a version of this method known as a “cyclical ketogenic diet” very early in my experimentation and that has made all the difference.

When deprived of glucose for about three days the body begins to produce ketones, molecules that act as an alternate energy source. This is done to spare glycogen (stored carbohydrate) in the muscle for energy-demanding activities like lifting weights or running, for example.

If you only eat a considerable amount of carbohydrates once or twice every six or seven days it is basically diverted towards refilling muscle glycogen and not stored as fat like many people fear. A weekly reload will give you plenty of stored energy for high-demand activities and once you become “fat adapted” your body can easily slip back into ketosis again after about three days (or even a little sooner if you practice intermittent fasting.

The danger of prolonged and severe ketogenic dieting is reduced metabolic function due to muscle loss and a reduction in insulin sensitivity. The weekly carb load prevents this and as a bonus allows you to enjoy your favorite high carb goodies every week while still burning lots of stored bodyfat and maintaining or even increasing lean muscle!

Ok. Science class is over for today and if you’re still reading this, you’re eager to learn more! Pick up a copy of one of my books for more details and sign up for online coaching or a one-on-one in person or virtual coaching package. I could explain it in 90 minutes but it takes about 90 days to really understand and implement it for yourself. I’m offering over a decade of research and trial and error to help you master your metabolic health without making the same mistakes I did. Visit to learn more.

Until next time, stay strong and enjoy the journey.

Author: Jason Atkinson

I write to inspire people to make positive changes, develop their potential and enjoy life to the fullest everyday!

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